The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is a global movement and philanthropic endeavour founded by Glenn Marsden, dedicated to changing the narrative around mental health by breaking down stigmas.

Having experienced his own mental health struggles with body dysmorphia and losing a close friend to suicide, Glenn felt a profound calling to make a difference. This loss and his own battles became the catalyst for creating a global movement dedicated to changing the narrative around mental health by breaking down stigmas and fostering a culture of understanding and support.

Through powerful storytelling and collaboration with the world’s most prominent international influencers, the campaign has reached over 12 million people worldwide. It offers resources, support, advocacy, and various initiatives, including international summits and book series. The campaign partners with organisations to create a significant social impact, promoting mental health awareness and self-acceptance on a massive scale.

Unlike many other movements, the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is not a non-profit. Glenn’s aims have never been about securing funding and being dictated by external agendas. Instead, he challenges the existing narratives and believes in a different approach. Glenn is against asking the public for donations, recognising that the public often needs resources and help themselves. With bring told there is substantial money pumped into the mental health sector each year around the world, the disparity between resources and actual help seems to grow wider.

Glenn works with companies that aim to make a social impact on a large scale. These companies don’t just focus on their bottom lines when making donations; they actively engage in being a part of something transformative. The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign represents a commitment to changing lives, one story at a time, driven by a mission to see the world through a lens of empathy and action.

Book Glenn For Your Next Event

In Glenn Marsden’s keynote motivational talks, a compelling narrative unfolds at the dynamic intersection of mental health and entrepreneurship. Drawing from a personal journey, the narrative highlights the resilience and unwavering determination that have been instrumental in building a world-renowned business over the years.

Woven into the narrative are personal anecdotes, shedding light on the challenges confronted and lessons learned throughout the entrepreneurial odyssey. These keynotes serve as a platform to share insights into the strategic approaches and mindset crucial to success, emphasising the importance of resilience, tenacity, and adaptability, all while prioritising mental health in the pursuit of professional excellence.

The thematic spectrum extends beyond entrepreneurship, encompassing effective decision-making, intrinsic motivation, innovation, creativity, and the sustained focus required for enduring success. As Glenn unfolds his experiences, the audience can anticipate an engaging and inspiring talk meticulously crafted to uplift and encourage.

It is not merely a keynote; it is a narrative of overcoming adversity, pushing boundaries, and achieving goals that once seemed insurmountable. The story is one of defying the odds, backed by someone who, despite not initially being deemed qualified, has achieved remarkable success in the face of formidable challenges.